Workshop for acquiring professional headshot, artist bio, and digital capture of your artwork.
Go ahead and be a little selfish–invest in yourself. It takes shameless self-promotion to get noticed!
Easy workshop with lots of hand-holding for beginning and mid-career artists to produce a professional portfolio that will carry you through the next 3-5 years. Meet at the Clearwater Main Library and collaborate with other artists on how to ‘pitch’ your work to potential clients, publishers, and galleries. Friendly atmosphere, honest feedback, and expert advice from area art professionals.
Cost– $35 in advance; $45 at the door
Facilitated by Tarin Mohajeri, local curator
Headshots by Angela Mann, photographer
Digital Capture by Donna Turner, photographer
Deadline to RSVP Sunday April 5, 2020 by midnight.
Galleries on the Go was created to help artists find more places to show their work. We are disrupting the old art gallery business model! Opening wide the doors for everyone to view and enjoy local art. Making it accessible to the public and less intimidating to the new collector! Now in 10 locations and expanding to North Tampa and Sarasota. Get on board today!
Only $24 per month for 6 exhibits annually. We rotate the art, promote on social media, and facilitate sales for you. You get to spend more time in the studio. High traffic offices and municipal centers with hundreds of people walking by each day.
Register here: Artist Registration
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